Link to website: https://wordart.com/
Word clouds or (tag clouds as they are sometime referred to) are images created by lots of different words,typically the more frequent the word appears in text the larger it appears in the word cloud image.
Having logged in with either your Google, Facebook or Twitter account, you click the red create button, then you import your words. You ca add you word in two ways, one is by typing or pasting text into the box, or you can add a web url and it will source the words from a web page.
Once the words are imported, you can alter there size, font type, layout, colour, the background and the shape they will be formed as. Having finished your word cloud, with the free account you can share it via a link or social media, embed it into a web page, and download a screen resolution version.
I could see this being used by teachers as a visual way displaying the result of student voice surveys or key vocabulary related to a specific unit. If they use Google forms to create the survey it is then very easy just copy and paste the text from the responses section to create the words. it could also be a nice way to illustrate course communities, course handouts or pages of the VLE.
Here is my video guide, Tagul is the old name for the WordArt site.